Sunday, December 2, 2018

Craft Fairs, Markets and Vendors events I've been


Has been a long time since I've post something here... Life takes us by the horns and we just have to keep fighting like a bull to survive..

Where I've been? Oh my! When I opened this blog I was living in Michigan trying to provide my daughter a better visual health... but... there's always a but... we had to leave Michigan for the better. We ended up living at the Friendly City of Harrisonburg, Virginia. 

Since our arrival here, life has been kind to us. We got the services my little princess needed in no time, we have met wonderful people at the school system, to the point that I don't want to move back to Puerto Rico until Little Maria finishes her elementary school at least..

On the crafty side, my hands still plays with the beads and yarns, and paint, and paper, and... oh well, whatever can be transformed into something beautiful, useful, cool and nice!

This year, especially after Autumn season, I have been at 3 craft fairs so far! Still one more to go! Love meeting new crafters and vendors along the road. 

Here are some pictures of those events. 

Massanutten Fall Festival, October 13 

 Westover Holiday Craft Show, November 3

Christmas Market at Harrisonburg First Assembly, December 1

(I fell in love with the Arugula Scarf, by Jennifer Dickerson, you can find the pattern here. She has other beautiful patterns I will be making soon.)

One of the things I like to do at craft fairs -if space is available- is make a demo of triloom weaving. So far, I've had people stop by to ask what I'm doing, how it is done and all kind of conversations over a loom... simply wonderful!



Hope you have enjoyed these pictures. If you are interested in one of the items, or wish to place an order please drop a message ..

Have a great day and happy crafting!
